Do you look for 'reservation policy essay'? Here you can find the questions and answers on the subject.
Table of contents
- Reservation policy essay in 2021
- Marriott reservation policy
- Reservation policy in india pdf
- Essay on reservation in 300 words
- Reservation paragraph
- Reservation system in india essay
- What is reservation policy
- Essay on reservation in 250 words
Reservation policy essay in 2021

Marriott reservation policy

Reservation policy in india pdf

Essay on reservation in 300 words

Reservation paragraph

Reservation system in india essay

What is reservation policy

Essay on reservation in 250 words

Which is the best description of reservation in India?
Also known as affirmative action, the reservation can also be seen as positive discrimination. Reservation in India is a government policy, backed by the Indian Constitution. Before 2019, the reservation was provided mainly on the basis of social and educational backwardness (caste).
Is the reservation policy in India scientific or rational?
However, the policy of reservation has to be scientific and rational. In the given economic and political structure, caste (or birth or family) should not determine one’s life chances. It is assumed that SCs (and for that matter STs and OBCs also) represent a homogeneous group but actually they are a heterogeneous group.
Which is a result of the reservation policy?
Reservation has become an electoral tool nowadays. Reservation policy has also bluntly promoted caste over intellect and hard work. As a result we are producing substandard engineers, doctors, bureaucrats and other professionals under the present reservation policy.
Why do we need a reservation for women?
Reservation for women can be a temporary sort of relief, as a means to clear the backlog as far as possible but the greater aim of achieving complete equality between men and women demands a much broader political, social and economic policy.
Last Update: Oct 2021
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