Do you look for 'pollen essay'? Here you can find questions and answers on the topic.
Table of contents
- Pollen essay in 2021
- Pollen allergy pdf
- Hay fever pollen
- Tree pollen allergy
- Signs of pollen allergies
- Types of allergies
- Spring pollen allergy symptoms
- Pollen essay 08
Pollen essay in 2021

Pollen allergy pdf

Hay fever pollen

Tree pollen allergy

Signs of pollen allergies

Types of allergies

Spring pollen allergy symptoms

Pollen essay 08

Which is the correct definition of self pollination?
Pollination is defined as the process of transfer of pollen grains, “from an anther to the stigma of the same flower or of different flower.” If the pollen grains are transferred from an anther to the stigma of the same flower, the process is called self pollination or autogamy.
Why is pollen important to a honey bee?
And just as humans need a variety of foods to remain healthy, a honey bee colony needs a variety of pollen types. Variety is important because not all the amino acids are found in a single type of pollen. Some have a greater assortment than others, so eating a variety of pollen types is the ticket to good colony nutrition.
How big are the pollen grains of a plant?
The pollen grains are small, light, smooth and dry. Pollen of some plants are said to be blown to 1,300 km. In some plants as Pinus, pollen grains are winged. The flowers are usually unisexual in some plants e.g. Mulberry is borne in independent catkins which can sway freely and shake off their pollen in air.
What happens when there is so little pollen?
When pollen is scarce, a colony may be forced to live off protein reserves stored as vitellogenin in the workers bees’ fat bodies. But that supply is limited, so beekeepers often opt for pollen substitutes before the major flows begin.
Last Update: Oct 2021
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