Do you look for 'ijsrd research paper'? You will find all of the details here.
Table of contents
- Ijsrd research paper in 2021
- Ijsrd research paper format
- Journal of scientific research and development
- Is ijsrd scopus indexed
- Ijsrd paper publish
- Ijsrd is ugc approved or not
- Ijsrd paper download
- International journal of scientific research and engineering development-–
Ijsrd research paper in 2021

Ijsrd research paper format

Journal of scientific research and development

Is ijsrd scopus indexed

Ijsrd paper publish

Ijsrd is ugc approved or not

Ijsrd paper download

International journal of scientific research and engineering development-–

Who are the board members of the ijsrd?
IJSRD (International Journal for Scientific Research and Development) is an Open-Access peer reviewed International Journal Exhaustive list of executive board members who were invited from all the Colleges , Universities and research organization
Which is the International Journal for scientific research and development?
Juganu Govind Binnar, Hrushikesh S.Pore, Pawle N. Sachin and Pragati P. Dukale. "Automatic Car Washer and Dryer System." International Journal for Scientific Research and Development 9.5 (2021): 8-11. Harshal Bhore, Nikhil Potekar, Aniket Kadam, Digvijay Nerlekar and Shreyas Shinde. "Review Paper on Types of Motors in Electric Vehicles."
What does the International Journal of scientific research and engineering do?
It aims to bridge the significant gap between research and practice by promoting the publication of original, novel, industry-relevant research. IJSRED come in the list of top Paper Publishing Sites.
What kind of papers are published in ijsrd?
This monthly journal is mainly started to help researching peers belongs to Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research students.We publish original and high quality papers. We aim to cover the latest outstanding development in the fields of Engineering and Technologies.
Last Update: Oct 2021