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- Cmlit 102w essay2 in 2021
- Cmlit 102w essay2 02
- Cmlit 102w essay2 03
- Cmlit 102w essay2 04
- Cmlit 102w essay2 05
- Cmlit 102w essay2 06
- Cmlit 102w essay2 07
- Cmlit 102w essay2 08
Cmlit 102w essay2 in 2021

Cmlit 102w essay2 02

Cmlit 102w essay2 03

Cmlit 102w essay2 04

Cmlit 102w essay2 05

Cmlit 102w essay2 06

Cmlit 102w essay2 07

Cmlit 102w essay2 08

What kind of literature is in cmlit 1?
CMLIT 1 provides a survey of Western literary tradition and considers a variety of genres -- such as epic, drama, sonnet, essay, saga, chronicle, folktale, and novel -- with attention to the literary and historical contexts which these works reflect in the Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance (Early Modern) periods.
Is there a cmlit 6 at Penn State?
CMLIT 6 / PHIL 6 Philosophy and Literature in Western Culture (3) (GH;IL) (BA) This course meets the Bachelor of Arts degree requirements. This course is designed to introduce students to the various interpretive approaches to literature and philosophy.
How many credit are required for cmlit 2?
Along with CMLIT 2, this course forms a 6-credit overall Western literature series -- but either half may be taken separately. CMLIT 1 may be selected to fulfill one of the course requirements for the CMLIT major or the World Literature Minor.
Last Update: Oct 2021